
At Agarwal Clinic & Nursing Home believe that preventive healthcare begins with the care of the healthy. We have programmes in both gynaecology and obstetrics for prevention and early detection of disorders. Well Women check up is designed to detect early evidence of :
Gynaecological diseases
To provide contraceptive advice
Preconception counseling
Gynaecological cancer screening
Antenatal Care
A regular antenatal care starting early in pregnancy prevents most medical problems and early detection helps to improve pregnancy outcomes. We offer a full range of screening tests and antenatal check-ups as per international guidelines. With the backup of a specialized fetal medicine department, the fetus can be screened for various possible abnormalities and its growth and well being can be monitored in the most appropriate manner. Facility of Dedicated LDR (Labour- Delivery- Recovery) room is available on request.
High Risk Pregnancy
We have well trained obstetricians to look after patients with high risk pregnancies in conjunction with various medical specialities. Those with diabetes, high blood pressure, heart disease, blood disorders, tumours, previous pregnancy losses, pre term labour, growth restricted babies post transplant pregnancies etc are looked after throughout the pregnancy and labour by this team. Our advanced neonatal care services, state of the art ICU facilities and an excellent blood bank provide essential backups for the best possible care of even the most challenging cases
Services and Specialities

Painless Labour
Apart from the conventional analgesics and prophylaxis we offer pain relief in labour by entonox and epidural. Painless labour is provided by our team of senior anesthetists available 24 hours a day. T.E.N.S (Trans Cutaneous Nerve Stimulation) facility is also available on request. We have postgraduates and trained senior resident obstetricians monitoring the condition of mother and child round the clock under supervision of senior consultants.
Gynaecological oncology
Comprehensive treatment of cancer of the uterus, cervix, vagina, vulva and ovaries is provided by site specific gynaecological oncosurgeons in combination with medical oncologist and radiotherapists where ever needed.
Conventional Gynaecology
Our gynaecologists provide specialized medical and surgical management of varied gynaecological problems like menstrual abnormalities, infertility, prolapsed uterus, fibroids, other tumors of the uterus and ovaries. Gynaecological endocrinological services including adolescent, menopausal and other reproductive age problems are also provided at our hospital.
Infertility Treatment Options Available
Ovulation induction/ Controlled ovarian stimulation
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) – husband/donor
In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)
Intra Cytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI)
Sperm retrieval techniques – TESA (Testicular sperm aspiration), TESE (Testicular Sperm Extraction), MESA(Microsurgical epididymal sperm aspiration), PESA (Percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration)
Donor Oocyte Program
Donor Embryo program
Cryopreservation of gametes and embryos/ Vitrification
All other advanced technologies